Care for the inside with your outward support

The kidney is a vital part of the body that helps to remove waste products and excess water from the body. The bean-shaped organ allows us to consume a variety of foods, drugs, vitamins, and excess fluids without the harmful build-up of toxic waste.As vital as the organ is to the body, a lot of us tend to take it for granted and neglect the importance of thinking before consuming. But be warned my friends! The kidneys are also considered as

via Care for the inside with your outward support.

Are you willing to care for another human being without looking at race and nationality?

Malaysia is a country of growing cultures, ethnics, race and religion.In the recent years, refugees from neighbouring countries and afar have been adding to the country’s population, taking up local jobs in search of a means to get by.According to UNHCR Malaysia, there are currently 94,800 refugees and asylum-seekers registered under them (as of September 2011) and an estimated 10,000 more that are unregistered. The staggering numbers consist of about 71% men, 29% women and about 19,200 children below the age of 18. Unlike migrants, refugees do not choose to leave their countries but are forced to do so for reasons such as armed conflict, serious public disorder and complex human rights issues. Refugees in Malaysia leave their homelands with little or no support and require the help of organizations such as the UNHCR to find long term solutions to their situations. In order to rise up above adversity, refugees require your initial support, donation and sponsorship in order to begin a new life of self-reliance.The first step towards understanding is to learn about refugees. Contact the UNHCR to find out how you can assist refugees in Malaysia.

via Are you willing to care for another human being without looking at race and nationality?.